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Jilemnice is located only 23 km from Špindlerův Mlýn. This picturesque city attracts visitors with its rich history and numerous cultural monuments. The central point of the city is its square, where the impressive historical building of the town hall stands, which is an important symbol of local architecture.

An unforgettable attraction is the castle of the Harrach family, which is not only an architectural gem, but also the seat of the museum of the KRNAP Administration. You will be charmed by the nearby Zvědavá ulička with its unique character and historic houses that seem to peek out one over the other.

The city's popularity among tourists is also due to its favorable starting position for various trips. In all directions, whether by bike or on foot, you can come across an interesting tourist destination. For a more thorough exploration of the beauties and secrets of Jilemnice, there are educational trails "Jilemnice known and unknown" and the cycle route "Jilemnice cross by cross."

Visit Jilemnice and discover the charm of this historic town, which perfectly combines history with the present, and offers active and relaxing experiences for all age groups.

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