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Giant Mountains museums in the vicinity



TOP 5 museums in the vicinity:

  • Dolní Branná Skiing Museum - The museum will take you through the history of winter sports and tourism in the Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše up to the present day.
  • Museum of Glass in Harrachov - The Museum of Glass is part of the glass factory. It contains a historically and technologically complete collection of historical glass from its production. You can't miss a tour of the glass factory and experience firsthand the heat of the furnaces where the glassmakers work.
  • Railway Museum Martinice in the Giant Mountains - It is located in the premises of the station building, where you can find out how the traffic in the station worked and you can try to change the switch yourself, mark the ticket or control the signals with a lever. The museum is also the boarding station for the Pojizerský Pacifik . You can board the RegioNova motor train, the M 131.1 Hurvínek motor car or, during the Krkonoše Steam Weekend, a historic car pulled by a steam locomotive.
  • Rautis - Visit the museum and the production of beaded Christmas decorations in Poniklé. These handmade ornaments have an almost 100-year tradition and are unique in the world. The production of these magical ornaments is also on the UNESCO cultural heritage list. The tour not only introduces you to the history of ornaments, but also takes you directly to the production. At the end, you will also have the opportunity to make a decoration yourself.
  • Krkonoše Museum - Museum under the care of the KRNAP Administration in Vrchlabí

The Krkonoše National Park administration takes care of an extensive network of museums dedicated to documenting the rich history and cultural heritage of the Krkonoše Mountains. These museums provide visitors with a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the region and its historical development.

  • Krkonoše Museum - The museum is located in the premises of the Augustinian monastery in Vrchlabí and offers an interactive look at the history and present of the Krkonoše Mountains and its inhabitants.
  • Giant Mountains Museum in Jilemnice - This museum offers exhibits focused on the history of skiing and life in the Giant Mountains, which reflects the significant influence of the mountain environment on the lifestyle of local residents.
  • Monument to the Lost Patriots in Paseky nad Jizerou - The monument commemorates the heroic deeds and sacrifices of local residents during the war years and provides visitors with an insight into the courage and determination of the residents of the region.
  • Forestry and hunting exhibition Šindelka in Harrachov - This exhibition focuses on forestry and hunting, two key areas that shaped and still shape the Krkonoše landscape.
  • Vápenka Museum in Horní Albeřice - The museum, located in the historic building of a former limestone factory, presents the industrial heritage of the region and its importance for the local economy.

Each of these museums offers visitors a unique insight into various aspects of the life and history of the Giant Mountains and is an invaluable source of information for anyone interested in the history and culture of this fascinating region.

But the list of museums that you can visit in the Giant Mountains does not end there. The complete list of museums can be found in the link below.

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