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Krkonoše ski highway



The Krkonoše highway, an iconic winter paradise for cross-country skiers, represents the pinnacle of winter tourism in the heart of the Krkonoše Mountains. Stretching for a respectable 71 kilometers, the highway connects the western and eastern ends of this mountain range, from Harrachov to Žacléř, and offers not only challenging sections for experienced cross-country skiers, but also more friendly sections for those who are just getting to know cross-country skiing.

The entire route is marked in red, which makes it easier to find your way around this extensive cross-country skiing network, which is divided into several stages. Each section of the highway tells its own story and offers unique views of the beauty of the Krkonoše Mountains, from snow-covered valleys to majestic mountain peaks.

Key points of the route →

Harrachov (665 m above sea level)

The entrance gate of the Krkonoše highway, known for its ski jumps.

the river Mumlava

It offers idyllic views, especially at the Mumlav waterfall.

Krakonoš breakfast (1,052 m above sea level)

A popular resting place with beautiful views.

Vosecká bouda (1,250 m above sea level)

Ideal for a short stop and refreshments.

Vrbatova bouda (1,400 m above sea level) and Horní Mísečky

The iconic Krkonoše hut connected with the story of Hanč and Vrbata.

Špindlerův Mlýn (710 m above sea level)

The main ski and tourist center of the region.

Pec pod Sněžkou (769 m above sea level)

Popular ski center with access to the highest Czech peak, Sněžka.

Upper Maršov

A quiet town at the foot of the Eastern Giant Mountains.

Žacléř (612 m above sea level)

The easternmost spur of the Krkonoše mountains, the Rýchory mountains and the mysterious Dvorský forest.

The route offers a variety of terrains, from challenging climbs to pleasant descents that will delight the heart of every skier. Whether you decide to explore the entire highway or choose one of its parts, it is guaranteed to enrich your winter season with unforgettable experiences.

Be sure to check current snow conditions and recommendations when planning your trip. Whether you are already an experienced cross-country skier or just discovering the magic of cross-country skiing, this backbone route is ready to offer you the best of winter adventures.

Route map

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