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Discover the beauty of the Labský důl valley



Do you like to go out in nature, but don't want to spend the whole day on long hikes? The Elbe Mine in Špindlerův Mlýn is an ideal destination for short but unforgettable trips. With a route 11.3 km long, which you can complete in approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes, there is a unique opportunity to explore one of the most beautiful parts of the Krkonoše Mountains without the need for a full-day trip.

Our tip:

For those who would like to extend their hiking route, we recommend continuing to the Elbe Gorge. From there you can climb to the Labská bouda and up to the Elbe spring (1,390 m above sea level), which adds another 10 km to the route. On the way back, you can choose several variants, for example via Zlaté návrší and Horní Mísečky, which increases the total length of the circuit to 20 km.

Start from the center of Špindlerův Mlýn

The trip starts at the White Bridge, from where you will set off on your journey.

Monitoring the flow of the Elbe River

Your steps will lead against the flow of the river, which adds to the scenic beauty of the route.

Medvědín cable car

The path takes you past the cable car. A cable car ride to the top of Medvědín offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

KRNAP log cabin

When passing by the log cabin, you can stop and learn about the efforts to protect the Krkonoše nature.

Elbe mine

The highlight of the trip is the Labský důl, where you can admire not only the beauty of wild nature, but also the sacred peace of this place.

Return to the center

After rest and refreshments, you will take the same route back to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn.

Route map

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