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The journey from Moravská bouda back to Špindl on sledges



Get ready for unforgettable winter fun that combines active movement, wonderful views and fun on the snow. The trip will enchant you with a unique opportunity to experience the winter Krkonoše Mountains in all their beauty in the company of family or friends. Along the way, take advantage of the warm hospitality of the mountain huts, which offer their delicious local specialties. A sled ride from Moravská bouda through the snow-covered Krkonoše meadow will be a great experience for everyone.

Start by bus

Your adventure begins with a bus ride to Špindlerův bouda, from where you will climb a snowy road towards Moravská bouda.

Walking tour to the Moravian hut

The snowy ridge road shows you the winter fairy tale around you.

Educational trail and signpost

Under Peter's huts, you will come across a signpost that invites you to explore the educational trail and offers a shortcut to Moravská bouda.

Snacks and games in the snow

Before you sit down on the sled, you have the chance to have refreshments, have fun with the toboggan and enjoy the views.

Sled descent

From Moravská bouda, you will go back to Špindlerův Mlýn on a sledge. Driving through David's sheds is the final and most fun part of your trip.

Route map

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