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Dolní Branná skiing museum



Enter the world of winter sports and hiking in the Krkonoše Mountains at the Dolní Branná Skiing Museum. This unique museum will take you on a journey through the history of skiing and winter activities in the Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše region, from their beginnings to contemporary modern sports. The exhibition is designed interactively, which allows visitors not only to view, but also to touch the exhibits and try, for example, different types of skis or sledges. This hands-on interaction provides a deeper understanding and experience of the visit.

The museum is located in a historical building, which is the oldest preserved monument of the village of Dolní Branná. The building has recently been completely renovated, which gives a visit to the museum an authentic historical touch. It was restored with an emphasis on detail and respecting the original architecture, which makes it an ideal environment for presenting the history of skiing.

Come and discover the fascinating story of winter sports in the heart of the Giant Mountains and let yourself be drawn into the adventure that shaped winter tourism in this picturesque part of the Czech Republic.

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