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Snow pits (1,497 m above sea level) | the photogenic beauty of the Giant Mountains



The snow pits, also known as Schneegruben in German or Śnieżne Kotły in Polish, represent one of the most picturesque and photogenic places in the entire Giant Mountains. These unique natural formations, created by the action of glaciers, are located at an altitude of 1,480 m and are easily recognizable thanks to the Wawel transmitter, which served as a tourist hut in the past. Here, the main ridge of the Krkonoše falls sharply on the Polish side into deep glacial cauldrons, at the bottom of which small glacial lakes are hidden. These cauldrons are home to botanical rarities that are characteristic of the Krkonoše flora.

From the center of Špindlerův Mlýn

The route leads through Dívčí lávky, Medvědí and Martinova bouda, Sedlo nad Martinovkou and measures approximately 9 km.

From Špindlerovka along the ridge

This route is 6.5 km long and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

Return to Špindlerův Mlýn

It is recommended to descend along the yellow-marked Koňská cesta to Labská bouda, and from there continue along the blue-marked Labský dol. The total length of this route is 11 km.

When planning a visit to the Snow Caves, it is important to take into account the current weather and, if necessary, equip yourself with suitable clothes and shoes. This location offers a unique experience of a walk through the Krkonoše nature and is an ideal place for lovers of photography, botanists and anyone who wants to enjoy beautiful views and clean mountain air.

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