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Stachelberg Fortress



Stachelberg Fortress is one of the most important fortress buildings in the Czech Republic. Built in 1938 as part of the Czechoslovak fortifications, this fortress represents the largest modern fortress on the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. Its historical significance and well-preserved condition make it a fascinating destination for lovers of military history and architecture.

A visit to Stachelberg Fortress is ideal for school field trips, history buffs and anyone interested in military history and wanting to learn more about the strategies that were used to defend the country. The fortress offers not only an educational experience, but also the opportunity to walk in beautiful nature and enjoy unforgettable views.

The area of the fortress is enriched by the Eliška observation tower, which rises to a height of 24.5 meters and offers visitors breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. In addition, there is a more than 7 kilometer long educational trail "Fortified Trutnovsko", which provides detailed information about the history and importance of the fortress in the defense system of Czechoslovakia.

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