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A short trip through the White Elbe Valley



Do you like walking in nature, but don't want to go on long hikes? Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings offer a number of opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature without the need for long-term planning or demanding physical preparation. One of these tips is a trip through the White Elbe valley, which combines a comfortable walk with unforgettable views and natural beauty.

Our tip: Don't forget to visit the Čertova strouha educational trail, which is located along the route and offers interesting information about the local flora, fauna and geology. This trip is suitable for all age groups and offers a unique combination of relaxation, education and physical activity in the wonderful surroundings of the Giant Mountains.

Start at the white bridge in the center of Špindlerův Mlýn

Start your walk in the heart of Špindlerův Mlýn and head upstream of the Elbe River.

Across the river to the KRNAP cabin and the Myslivna restaurant

Enjoy a leisurely walk along the river to the Krkonoše National Park log cabin. A few steps away is the confluence of the White Elbe and Elbe rivers near the Myslivna restaurant, which can be a short stop on the way.

Girl's footbridges and Weber's path

In winter, Dívčí lávky is the final station of the toboggan run, and along the crossing asphalt road, a city bus transports tourists to Špindlerův bouda all year round. The blue-marked path, or Weber's path, will take you through the White Elbe Valley.

The shed at White Elbe
Stop at this mountain hut for lunch or a snack in the middle of beautiful nature. The hut near Bíléh Labe is open all year round and is located at the crossroads of four hiking trails. From this point, you can continue along the blue path to Luční bouda, along the yellow Hollman's path to Špindlerův bouda, or back to Špindlerův Mlýn.
Logging path to Bishop's Lookout

After resting at the shed, take the Dřevařská path to the Biskupská lookout, which offers wonderful views of the surroundings.

Return to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn

From the viewpoint, you return to the city center, where your walk ends.

Route map

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