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The road from Špindlerův Mlýn to the White Elbe Valley



In Špindlerův Mlýn, you don't have to go far to find yourself in the forest!
Enjoy a pleasant walk along the wild mountain river Bílá Labe, which modeled its bed through the romantic Bílá Labe valley. You will definitely not be bored here, deep pools, water rapid cascades, step-like waterfalls or just observing the water level from large heated rock plates. The path through the valley leads on an asphalt surface and is suitable for a family trip, seniors or visitors with wheelchairs.
Start at the white arched bridge

Set off from the center of Špindlerův Mlýn against the flow of the river Elbe.

Around the adrenaline park

You will walk along the city promenade to the adrenaline park, where you can admire the daredevils or try everything yourself, all the way past the Medvědín cable car.

The log cabin of the KRNAP administration and the Myslivna restaurant

From the cable car, you continue to follow the river and slowly come to the log cabin of the Administration of the Krkonoše National Park. Here you turn right, cross the confluence of the Elbe and White Elbe rivers, pass the Myslivna restaurant, a place to sit and enjoy the view and the sound of the water, and arrive at Dívčí lávké.

Girl's footbridges and Weber's path

From the tourist signpost Dívčí lávky, the path invites you to continue and discover the beauty and harmony of the valley.

The shed at Bílého Labe and return
If you walk through the entire valley, at the end you will see the Bílé Labe Hut, which invites you to sit comfortably.
To return to the city, you return again following the blue sign, Weber's path.
We recommend
  • adrenaline park
  • A log cabin under Medvědín, a magical sitting by the river
  • restaurant Myslivna
  • Girls' footbridges, bus stop
  • "u Svozu", a place in the middle of the valley, where you can find an interactive children's playground, Krkonoška shelter, sitting area, public fireplace
  • White Elbe shed

Route map

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