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Bozkov dolomite caves



The Bozkov dolomite caves, located 44 kilometers from Špindlerův Mlýn, are the only publicly accessible caves in northern Bohemia and are also home to the largest underground lake in the area. Declared a National Natural Landmark, these caves are a popular destination for visitors due to their rich stalactite decoration and fascinating stalactites and stalagmites that create breathtaking underground landscapes.

A visit to the Bozkov dolomite caves is ideal for families, school trips, or as part of a holiday focused on discovering the natural beauty of the Czech Republic. The enjoyable and expertly guided tours are accessible to all ages and offer a unique opportunity to learn about the geology and ecosystems that have evolved over millions of years beneath the earth's surface.

Cave tours offer visitors the opportunity to look deep into the earth, where they can admire mysterious stalactite formations and the quiet beauty of underground bodies of water. The caves are lit to highlight the natural beauty of the rock formations, creating an unforgettable visual experience. These sites are not only significant from a geological point of view, but are also valuable for understanding regional history and natural heritage.

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