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Prachov rocks



Prachov rocks is a mecca for climbers and one of the most famous and most popular rock towns and destinations in the Bohemian Paradise. This unique sandstone rock formation offers visitors the opportunity to explore a number of marked hiking trails of varying difficulty that are accessible even for families with buggies.

The Prachov rocks are an ideal place for everyone who is looking for an escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and wants to spend time in the arms of rock giants. Whether you come alone, with friends or with family, the beauty of the Prachov rocks will completely absorb you and provide you with experiences you won't soon forget.

From the viewpoints of the Prachov rocks you can see a breathtaking panorama of the entire Bohemian Paradise, which makes every visit an unforgettable experience. During your journey, you can admire not only the majestic rock towers and deep gorges, but also the rich flora and fauna that inhabits the region. The nature reserve is home to many rare species of animals and plants, which attracts not only tourists, but also naturalists and photographers.

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