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Harrachov is an important tourist center of the western Giant Mountains. This city is proud of its famous ski jumping area with its mammoth bridge, which is a regular venue for international ski jumping competitions. In winter, you can enjoy a wide range of sports here, from cross-country skiing to downhill skiing.

In addition to winter sports, Harrachov also offers many other activities. Visit the Museum of Glass and the local glassworks, where you can learn about the city's rich glassmaking tradition and even try your hand at glassmaking. For history lovers, there is also a mining museum, which reveals the mining and processing of local raw materials.

For adrenaline experiences, Harrachov offers you a bobsleigh track, which is popular with visitors of all ages. After a day full of activities, you can relax in the municipal swimming pool or treat yourself to refreshments in one of the local microbreweries, where you can taste a traditional Krkonoše beer.

Harrachov is thus an ideal place for those looking for a combination of sports activities, cultural experiences and the possibility of relaxation in the beautiful nature of the Giant Mountains.

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