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Karpacz, a spa town and ski resort located on the northern slope of the Polish side of the Giant Mountains. It represents an important tourist destination for all those interested in nature, history and active recreation. This resort is very popular due to its proximity to the highest peak of the Giant Mountains, Sněžka.

Karpacz offers an extensive network of marked hiking trails, which are suitable for both easy walks and high mountain hikes. In the winter months, the city transforms into a lively ski resort, where fans of white tracks and downhill skiing will find something to do.

In addition to outdoor activities, Karpacz attracts visitors to a rich cultural program, where you can visit museums and exhibitions that map the history and culture of the region. For relaxation and fun, there are local swimming pools, stylish cafés and discos, which offer great opportunities to relax after a day of exploring and getting to know the local region on the other side of the Giant Mountains.

One of the main attractions of Karpacz is the Wang wooden church. This unique sacral object was originally built in Scandinavia in the 12th century and transferred to Karpacz in the 19th century. Today, this church is a popular place not only for its architectural uniqueness, but also as a place of peace and meditation.

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